Sunday, January 27, 2008


Okay, I absolutely need to get some control over my current W(orks) I(n) P(rogress). I just have WAY too many. Yikes!

I have, currently, ON needles:

- nightgown for my Daughter
- shawl for my Mother
- throw for my Mother in Law
- afghan for my eldest Son
- afghan for my middle Son
- two color mittens
- a sock
- sweater for my Daughter
- hat for my Mother
- washcloth for my eldest Son

It's just too much to have unfinished. So, here's the plan:

- finish the nightgown today and tomorrow (since it really is almost done)
- finish the sock
- finish the throw for my Mother in Law

Those should be able to be finished by next weekend

Then, I'll finish the washcloth.

With those out of the way, it should feel like a FAR more managable list.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Spinning My Own Yarn

I have decided that this absolutely something I want to learn how to do. My Husband cringes in fear at the prospect of yet another fiber hobby taking up more room in our home. I say "pashaw". It will be fine. I really want to be able to say that I knit something from yarn that *I* spun and that *I* dyed. Bring on the drop spindles!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

YAY for Two Color Knitting

I really, really, enjoyed the class. I love talking to all the ladies there and I loved learning something new. I find that I WASN'T crazy about the color combination I choose.

That's not entirely true.

I like the colors. I didn't care for the order I used them in. So, I ripped everything out that evening and started over with the main color being white instead. I'm much happier.

The continuation of the class is next Monday. I can't wait. I see a lot of two color knitting in my future.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Whoo! Tryin' Something NEW

I signed up for a class in two color knitting. The class starts tonight and I will be attempting two color mittens. YAY! I'm totally excited. You know, like I don't have ENOUGH projects going on, I should add one hee hee. (That is SO beside the point you know though. Here, a good lesson in fabulous justification, ready? Okay, NO I do not need another "project" but THIS - THIS is NOT merely another "project" - No, THIS is a mitten class - and I live where yetis would go "No FREAKIN' WAY" So, mittens are NOT just another "project". They are, indeed, "necessary". *snicker Yeah, my Husband isn't really buying it either as, in his estimation, the new project merely requires MORE yarn taking up MORE storage space in our home - even if it is for a good - and necessary - cause)

Okay, so off to get dinner and all that good stuff ready so I can be one of the first to class.

A-mitting we will go (could be a word) A-mitting we will go. Hi ho the dairy o, a-mitting we will go

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Ondaleaux Cable Scarf




This has been, honestly, some of the MOST knitting fun I've had in a while.

My Mom and I were browsing (okay, SHE was browsing - *I* was drooling) at a wonderful yarn shop not far from my home, when she saw a scarf that she just "had to have"

"Can you make that?" she asked me

"Can I make that? Can I make that? OF COURSE I can make that!!! (What is it the Yarn Harlot always says? 'It's just knitting') Besides, I LOVE cables" and I do.

The pattern was (IS) just fabulous. We used totally yummy yarn that I had in the stash (and even picked up another skein so I could knit the matching hat).

Best of all though? It is (wait for it Ladies and Gentlemen) COMPLETELY REVERSIBLE. Gotta love THAT.

I LOVED this project and I adore how it turned out.